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My First Checkup Since Diagnosed with Intestinal Candidiasis

Writer's picture: Amanda MacGregorAmanda MacGregor

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

My First Checkup Since Diagnosed with Intestinal Candidiasis - leaky gut - Amanda MacGregor

Today marks four weeks I have been fighting my Intestinal Candidiasis. This means you have been following along for my first month now and ready to hear the progress and results from my first checkup.

As I continue to be very open with you, I will be completely honest in admitting that I had a slight breakdown the other night due to the whole situation. Over the weekend, my stomach was causing me some discomfort and making a lot of bubbling and gurgling sounds. No matter what I was eating or drinking, my stomach was not happy. I start to convince myself that all this, the dietary restrictions and supplements, is all pointless and I am not getting better.

The appointment shredded some light on that!

At my appointment, I learned that my P.H levels are beginning to level out which means the acid is not as high in my gut as before. My doctor said for as toxic as my body was the first time I came in, she did not expect the improvement in results to be this high for this second visit! Turns out the strict diet and supplements aren't for nothing.

While my body still shows weakness to most of the foods I am used to eating, I can bring back rice into my diet, but only have it once a day and single portion size. That is great because, with rice, I can have white rice, brown rice, rice crackers, rice cakes, rice pasta (etc)...just as long as the other ingredients in these products do not interfere with the other foods I need to stay away from. I just have to be sure to measure and only give myself the serving portion size. While it is not much I am getting back, it does open a door to many more recipes while with Candidia.

My sinuses, on the other hand, are still extremely weak, but my doctor figured that much even before I came in with the changing season that is occurring. I was given new natural supplements, on top of the existing ones, to build up the strength of my sinuses better.

As for my immune system and digestive system, they are still weak but strongly fighting. My body has actually been putting up one hell of a fight these first three weeks. This fight is the result of the gargling and bubbles I keep hearing and feeling.

As a result, I have lost about 8 pounds, which is a good sign as well. Losing weight was something that always came hard for me to do. Now we understand that is because my digestive system was trying to break down a lot more than just fat.

Overall, it was a great first check-up! I was informed that my improvement is wonderful and to keep up with how I am going now. They were very shocked to hear I did not stray away from my dietary restrictions at all. I guess that is not something they come across often. Then again, not many of their patients have faced a lifetime of food allergies.

My next appointment is less than a month away. I am going to keep going strong with what I need to do. My birthday is also next month and I would love to open my restrictions a little more to keep up the good spirits and celebrate happily, and maybe even with more food!

Until next time...


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