Amanda's Food Allergy Story
My journey with food allergies began at a young age. Back in the early 90s, when I first received my diagnosis, food allergies weren't as prevalent in our culture as they are today. The absence of the internet, limited availability of cookbooks, and a scarcity of allergy-friendly products in stores presented significant challenges. Over the years, I've witnessed our community evolve into the vibrant and resource-rich entity it is today, offering a plethora of options and support. Nevertheless, navigating my dietary restrictions still presents occasional challenges, especially with some of my more niche and less common allergies.
To cope with this unique lifestyle, I turned to my website as a source of comfort—a platform to express myself and chronicle my experiences. Throughout my life, I've grappled with allergies to most of the Top 8 major food allergens and beyond. In my childhood, I contended with allergies to dairy, meat, bananas, grapes, and shellfish. As a teenager, corn, coconut, lettuce, nutmeg, and even lettuce (yes, lettuce!) joined the list. By my mid-20s, my restrictions had expanded to include my current allergens, along with a selection of nuts and seeds that thankfully ceased by 2019.
Joe's Food Allergy Husband Story
Food allergies weren't a personal concern until I met Amanda. Adapting became a family-wide adjustment, learning how to reshape our lifestyle to the challenges of life-threatening allergies. I initially subscribed to 'just avoid it,' but it's more nuanced. Researching restaurants, scrutinizing labels, and communicating with family became crucial. Even a kiss required consideration. Cooking changed significantly too.
Bonded by our love for it, Amanda and I began a Sunday tradition, experimenting with new recipes amid her restrictions. Sharing online, the demand for recipes inspired 'The Sunday Cookbook' tab.
Food Allergy Mom
Behind every food allergy kid, there is a dedicated, supportive, and strong Food Allergy parent! Michele MacGregor, more commonly known as Momma Mac, has been a food allergy mom since 1995 when I got my first official diagnosis of food allergies. I cannot be more grateful for all the effort my mom put into my food allergy journey. That is why I am very excited for you to get to know her too!
Meet my mom through her recipes and blogs that you can find on the Momma Mac's Cooking Corner tab.
Our Recipes and Blogs
Discover recipes free from gluten, corn, soy, dairy, shellfish, coconut, and nightshades, plus blogs on managing health conditions like eczema, asthma, anxiety, and Intestinal Candidiasis. We share insights on homeownership, wedding planning, vacations, and relationship stories. Despite life with food allergies, I aim to inspire - proving that restrictions won't hold me back and that they shouldn’t hold you back either. With years of experience, I hope our blogs and our recipes offer support. Feel free to reach out with questions or simply to connect.
Hugs & Cookies,
Amanda & Joe
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We love providing our recipes and content to you at no cost, so if you like what you see here, please consider supporting the blog by donating to our PayPal or supporting the companies that support us. We are a small operation, creating content for you by testing, researching, writing, and producing it ourselves. Any amount is sincerely appreciated and helps offset the cost of making and hosting the blog.